How can my company offer services or products to Missouri Main Street Connection’s participating programs?

Downtown preservation specialists including, but not limited to: architectural and engineering firms, construction companies, landscape designers, urban planners, financial consultants, street furnishing manufacturers, and building tradesman specializing in historic restoration and rehabilitation can reach out to Ben White. Ben and the Historic Preservation committee will

How can my company offer services or products to Missouri Main Street Connection’s participating programs? Read More »

How is MMSC funded?

MMSC is a nonprofit 501c3 corporation, primarily funded by private contributors, and in part by fees for its educational services. Some of the professional service costs are funded by the State of Missouri government through the Department of Economic Development.

How is MMSC funded? Read More »

My community cannot hire a full-time Main Street director. Can we hire someone part-time or can a volunteer do the job?

A full-time Executive Director is desirable, but most new programs can afford only a part-time director or volunteer. The goal for new programs is to develop a working Board of Directors that operates efficiently and carries out effective planning and program implementation while building the

My community cannot hire a full-time Main Street director. Can we hire someone part-time or can a volunteer do the job? Read More »

What role does Missouri Main Street Connection play in the local program’s policy making decisions?

MMSC’s role is to provide advice and technical assistance grounded in the latest information, tools, and techniques. Our staff does not determine local policy. We can, and often do, provide guidance on how a Main Street’s nonprofit board should conduct business. Upholding business in an

What role does Missouri Main Street Connection play in the local program’s policy making decisions? Read More »