Mornings on Main Presents Strategic Communications
July 23, 2020 | Janie Dennison
Mornings on Main with Kirsten Borgstrom
Wednesday, August 5 at 8:30AM
You’ve heard it before, good communication skills are key to success in life. It’s no different in non-profit organizations and business. Good communication skills are key to a successful organization and business.
Join us as we talk through a Strategic Communications Plan, including the necessary steps to create the plan, how to implement, track, and evaluate to be effective at communicating with your audience.

Kirsten Borgstrom is a Principal with Place + Main Advisors, a Michigan-based company moving communities forward with Economic Development, Community Marketing, Real Estate Redevelopment, Placemaking, and Communications strategies. Ms. Borgstrom has more than 20 years of hands-on marketing and public relations experience in travel and tourism, economic development, real estate development, and sports marketing. Her varied expertise includes creating comprehensive communications strategies to successfully pitching client stories at the local, regional, and national levels.
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