Upcoming Trainings

View upcoming trainings and events hosted by Missouri Main Street Connection and partner organizations below.


Learn more about the Main Street Approachâ„¢ from this free in-depth training series.


View current and past grant opportunities that Missouri Main Street Connection offers local Main Street programs and small businesses in their districts.

MMSC partnered with the National Park Service to administer the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Subgrant program to assist local Main Street programs and their building owners in rural Missouri communities complete more Historic Preservation projects, which is a foundational element of the Main Street Approachâ„¢.


St. Louis Main Streets

The St. Louis Main Streets program use the Main Street Approachâ„¢ and the UrbanMainâ„¢ to guide comprehensive revitalization efforts in three districts that participated in the pilot program in St. Louis.

Technical Assistance

Missouri Main Street offers matching grant programs to help communities create vibrant, people-centered places to live, work, and play.

This two-year matching service grant assists in the establishment of a local nonprofit 501(c)3 Main Street organization that is community led and focuses on revitalizing its historic commercial district.

This two-year matching service grant delivers advanced training and assistance developed for each Main Street applicant’s needs. Take your Main Street program to the next level.

This one-year matching service grant delivers advanced training and assistance developed for each Main Street applicant’s needs. Take your Main Street program to the next level.

View monthly curated lists of grant opportunities available to Main Street organizations and refine your grant writing skills with a collection of grant applications from Main Street’s across the state. *Investor access only


Main Street Approachâ„¢

In 1977, the National Trust for Historic Preservation launched a downtown revitalization pilot program involving three Midwestern communities. In 1980, the National Trust created the National Main Street Center to disseminate the knowledge developed during the pilot program. Since then, the Main Street Approachâ„¢ has been extended to over 43 states and the District of Columbia. Missouri Main Street Connection, Inc. is one of the 43 state coordinating programs that operate under the authority of the National Main Street Center. The State Director is a mentor, trainer, and advocate for the local Main Street programs in their revitalization efforts that function within the context of historic preservation.

The success of the Main Street Approach™ to revitalization is based on its comprehensive nature. By carefully integrating four points into a practical downtown management strategy, the local Main Street program will produce fundamental changes in a community’s economic base, while preserving its historic commercial buildings and the community’s unique heritage. The goal is to create a sustainable organization that functions as the revitalization leader in the community.

Foundations Getting Started - OrganizationsInvolves building a governing framework that includes a diverse representation of business and property owners, bankers, citizens, historians, public officials, chambers of commerce, and other preservation organizations. Everyone must work together in a long-term effort to renew downtown and maintain its stability into the future. The Organization Committee also trains and develops leaders for the community’s revitalization effort. Activities of a start-up Organization Committee begin with creating a not-for-profit organization, establishing priorities through comprehensive work plans, providing the organization with sustainable sources of revenue, and volunteer development.

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Foundations Get Started - Economic VitalityInvolves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions; recruiting new businesses and strengthening the existing competitiveness of the traditional merchants and service businesses, while diversifying the economic base; creatively converting unused space for new uses, and working closely with the Design Committee to seek appropriate solutions for historic commercial buildings that will ensure their continued occupancy, maintenance, and preservation.

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Foundations Get Started - OrganizationsEnhances the visual attractiveness of downtown. This includes technical assistance and encouragement to building owners toward the restoration and rehabilitation of historic structures, street and alley cleanup, colorful banners and landscaping. Attention must be paid to safe and efficient infrastructure including streets, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters and the appearance of storefronts, signs, street lights, window displays, and graphic materials. Design improvements should be developed through a public-private partnership by reinvestment of public and private dollars in downtown.

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Foundations Get Started - PromotionProjects a positive, unified image to identify downtown as a gathering place. Revitalization programs market the district and the community through a series of targeted activities such as special events and festivals, which highlight the local culture, art, music, dance, and traditions that give each community its unique identity.

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