Quarterly Workshop - Jefferson City, MO
August 15, 2019 | Janie Dennison
Friday, September 13, 2019
Jefferson City, MO
For many communities, our small businesses are working truly at an “independent” level, trying their best to succeed and in some cases, to just stay afloat without an active support system in place to help them address needs and market opportunities.
While overall economic development efforts in communities of all sizes don’t always include attention and support to small businesses and even more specifically, to mom & pops, Main Street is all about strengthening our existing local economy by supporting our downtown entrepreneurs.
From developing retail promotions that work, to cutting-edge tools that add understanding on trends and best practices, this session will highlight important strategies to not only position your Main Street program as a valuable partner, but consciously build a strong supportive environment for the success of our downtown entrepreneurs.
Register Online Here: https://www.momainstreet.org//Programs.aspx?PID=56