St. Louis Main Streets Pilot Program
June 16, 2021 | Janie Dennison
This year has been a busy one for the pilot Main Street programs in St. Louis, now called St. Louis Main Streets. With the pandemic starting to wane, the Missouri Main Street staff has been busy working in the districts with consultants. Currently there are two confirmed Main Street districts in St. Louis with a third to be announced very soon.

A visit in April brought the Missouri Main Street staff and specialists in downtown revitalization to the district to discuss organizational structure, branding, business development, site development, and gateway signage for the Dutchtown Main Street district. Norma Rameriez de Miess, with National Main Street, was part of the delegation and provided insights into the aspects of an urban Main Street program from her experience in other urban districts across the country.
The highlight of the visit was the unveiling of potential branding and logos for the Dutchtown Main Street program. Ben Muldrow, partner of Arnett Muldrow and Associates, presented a potential new brand for Downtown Dutchtown. The organization is still finalizing the decision, but if adopted, the new name of the organization would be Dutchtown Main Streets. Since there are several commercial streets in the Dutchtown central business district (Meramec, Virginia and Grand), this brand would incorporate all of them into the revitalization movement by using the plural streets.

Laclede’s Landing
The second Pilot Main Street program in St. Louis is Laclede’s Landing. This district is creating the new Main Street organization from scratch and are in the process of drafting and approving by-laws to govern the organization. MMSC met with the potential new board members and answered some questions about the by-laws in May. Once the by-laws are approved, then officers will be elected, and the foundation building and education on Main Street will begin.
Third Pilot Main Street District
The final pilot district to join the program is still in the works. Two districts applied and made a presentation to Missouri Main Street in April and May. The final district will be chosen very soon with a public announcement.