Top 5 Reasons You Should Attend Quarterly Trainings
February 25, 2021 | Janie Dennison
Why your community should send people to MMSC Quarterly Trainings:
- Making sure that a variety of people from your community attend quarterly training will help develop leadership in your program at home. The more people that understand Main Street and contribute ideas for your program, the more that will be shaped as leaders for the future of your community.
- It’s good to network, connect, and learn from other communities around the state and country.
- MMSC works very hard to have good speakers that are informed about the subject matter, interesting to listen to, and up-to-date about Main Street methodology. Education is important when dealing with community development.
- You will make new friends! It is almost guaranteed that you will meet someone from another community that is dealing with the same problems you are, or have already been through the same situation and has some good advice for you.
- And the number one reason you should attend MMSC Quarterly Trainings is: You will always learn something! Even if it is a topic that you think you are not very interested in, you will find something to take home to try.
Register for the March 12th Quarterly Workshop here.