Missouri’s Main Streets are where activity continues to happen. As economic and cultural hubs, historic commercial districts are where people work, shop, live, and play. Missouri Main Street Connection (MMSC) is creating an anthology named “Memories on Main Street” to record and depict the unique history of Missouri’s historic commercial districts through people’s pictures and stories of significant places, architectural details, and signage.

The “Memories on Main Street” anthology will be a visually and historically rich coffee table book that will be a statement piece for anyone who loves Missouri, Main Street, and preservation of Missouri’s rich history. MMSC is currently curating stories and visuals from historic commercial districts across Missouri through photo contests as well as working directly with our network.

MMSC is excited to work with individuals from across Missouri in creating this anthology that will share fond memories and untold stories that happened in Missouri’s historic commercial districts. Explore the three ways we are collecting stories and our timeline to learn more about this anthology and any current opportunities to submit photos and stories.

3 Ways MMSC is Collecting Stories

MMSC excitedly collected and shared the stories behind special doors in communities across Missouri whether business, residential, or governmental throughout 2024. View the doors and read their accompanying stories that were submitted by individuals in 2024 between the two different rounds. Click to view the Welcome Home Page and the Gallery of Doors.

Signs of the Times

MMSC is excited to continue sharing stories behind Missouri’s historic places through the memories attached to prominent details and features of historic buildings. In 2025, MMSC is looking for photos of signage and a story about the place where the signage resides from across Missouri including all types of signs like neon, ghost signs, wayfinding or street signs, murals or business signs. Check back in March for the Signs of the Times Page with submission details and information about the Signs of the Times photo contest.

Main Street Programs

MMSC is excited to work directly with the Board of Directors and committee members our Main Street programs in agreement with MMSC to tell the legacy of their community through a memoir, personal narrative, perspective piece, or poetry accompanied by photography. Contact for more details.

“Welcome Home” Door Photo Contest
MMSC collected photos and stories through two rounds of the “Welcome Home” door photo contest in 2024. Round one began April 15th and ended May 31st and round two began August 9th and ended November 2nd. Sixteen photos were chosen to be featured on the 2025 Preservation Month poster. All photos and stories submitted are eligible to be included in the anthology.
Signs of the Times Photo Contest
MMSC will be collecting photos and stories through two rounds of the Signs of the Times photo contest in 2025. Round one will begin in March and end in June and round two will begin in August and end in November. Photos will be chosen to be featured on the 2026 Preservation Month poster. All photos and stories submitted will be eligible to be included in the anthology.
Main Street Programs
MMSC is working directly with Board of Directors and committee members of Main Street programs in agreement with MMSC to tell the legacy of their community through a memoir, personal narrative, perspective piece, or poetry accompanied by photos. All photos and stories submitted will be eligible to be included in the anthology.
Creation and Printing
MMSC will begin the process of creating the anthology and work with a publisher to print “Memories on Main Street”.
Memories on Main Street Release
MMSC will release “Memories on Main Street” at the 2026 Missouri’s Premier Downtown Revitalization Conference.
Winter 2024 - Winter 2025
Winter 2025 - Spring 2026
2026 July