Historic Preservation Suite
Doctor Is In Consultation
The “Doctor Is In” is a free service available to Missouri Main Street communities* as an initial consultation with a group of professionals about preservation-related questions. Missouri Main Street Connection’s Historic Preservation Committee can assist you with your preservation project through the “Doctor Is In.”
Topics that this free service include but are not limited to are:
- Funding
- Facade Renovation Inquiries
- Tax Credits
- Building Material Maintenance and Best Practices Queries
*This service is available to all communities in good standing in the top three tiers: Accredited, Associate, and Affiliate. Community Empowerment Grant and St. Louis Main Streets communities/districts are also eligible as communities in the Affiliate Tier.
The committee will serve as the connector for next steps with your project and put you in contact with professionals in the field that could be of additional assistance.
Fill in the form on this page. Ben White, Senior Program Specialist, will reach out for any additional information the committee may need to get a full picture of your needs. Please be sure to submit all requested supporting documents outlined in the application form. The applicant will be invited to a Zoom meeting to explain and discuss the problem with the “Doctors” at which time the “Doctors” will provide feedback. Afterwards, Ben will provide any additional feedback and follow-up.
If you would like to download a copy of the application for this service, click here. Applications should be submitted to Ben White at Ben@MoMainStreet.org prior to the end of the month for consideration to be included as the “Doctor Is In“ consultation at the committee meeting in the following month.
Historic Preservation One-Pagers
Learn best practices for various preservation topics including masonry, awnings and canopies, building appearance, and paint. These one-page resources have been crafted by MMSC’s Historic Preservation Committee using their extensive knowledge in the field of historic preservation, influenced by their respective industries and decades of experience. More resources are released bi-annually.